Poll: Would You Pay $3,500 for Apple Vision Pro?

Apple’s new don’t-call-it-a-VR-headset is a big bet, but would you vote for it?

The $3,499 price tag for Apple’s new Vision Pro headset may even be too steep for the world’s richest man, Elon Musk.

(Just Kidding bruh! 🤓)

But, it’s true that the Tesla boss posted a meme on Twitter poking fun at the price of the augmented-reality headset.

The image compared Apple’s new headset to a bag of mushrooms with the text: “Apple $3,500 augmented reality VS. $20 augmented reality.”

Mr Musk later posted another meme, featuring a headset with a similar shape and design to Vision Pro, which appeared to reference the new product.

(Okay. Enough Internet for today 🙏)

Poll: Are you planning to buy Apple Vision Pro Mixed-reality Headset?

Vision Pro and visionOS made a boom at the WWDC keynote with the opening, “One More Thing”.

Now that the Vision Pro has made its appearance at WWDC 2023 and how much it will cost, do you plan on buying it when it launched in early 2024?

(We are curious to know your interests 🤔)

Early Adopter or Laggard? (Speak Your Heart Here)

Don’t be shy.

Let us know what you’re thinking so far.

Will you move the needle to jump into visionOS and see the world in a whole new way?

Not Sure Whether I Need Them?

If you’re not sure, “What does Apple’s Vision Pro do?”, we have earlier revealed its use cases you probably didn’t think about.

But, I guess that was not enough.

I won’t brag here, and Neither Would I trumpet the features of the Apple Vision Pro headset. I’ll rather review its concept in plain English

What does Apple’s Vision Pro do?

For a moment, just ignore the two words – AR and VR. Vision Pro is neither AR nor VR.

It is simply a computer that is worn on your face. The exciting part is how you use it. When you put on the headset, the output is projected directly into your eyes with two very crisp, very high-resolution displays.

You don’t control the computer through a keyboard, mouse, or touch screen, but rather through eye tracking and gestures.

Apple has termed this new device, a spatial computer. That means you could technically sit in a small space, like an airplane seat, and watch a cinema-sized movie.

The Vision Pro can display 3D objects in your current space or even transport you to new spaces.

Apple, however, barely mentioned the terms AR and VR during their announcement. This is neither AR nor VR device. The technology is a spatial computer. If there is a role for AR and VR, it is in applications that run on a spatial computer.

Augmented reality takes the environment around you and changes your perception of it. The Vision Pro does this by placing 2D displays in that environment and fixing them so that when your head moves, the display does not.

The Vision Pro captures the full attention of your eye, and so you are, by definition, immersed in a virtual environment.

You turn the dial, and that can change your view to a more virtual one. The video pass-through from your current environment is replaced by a digitally created 3D environment. From that perspective, this is clearly a VR device.