A Texas Man Used An Apple AirTag to Track Down His Stolen Truck, Shoots and Kills a 44-year Suspected Truck Thief: police

Andrew John Herrera, 44, died from a gunshot wound to the head, police says

A Texas man shot and killed a suspected truck thief on Wednesday at around 1 p.m. after the owner of the stolen vehicle tracked down the identifier (Andrew John Herrera, 44) using an Apple AirTag that was in their truck when it was taken, according to local police.

According to The San Antonio Police Department, the man whose truck was stolen, along with two family members, tracked the AirTag to the parking lot of a shopping centre where they found a man still inside the truck when they arrived.

SAPD Information Officer Nick Soliz told reporters Wednesday that police are investigating the incident. Turns out that the shooters did not wait for the police to arrive before intervening. He said the one who confronted the man inside the truck claimed he saw a weapon before shooting his own gun into the truck.

In other words, Police believe Herrera may have pulled out a firearm when he was confronted by the truck’s owners at a shopping centre in the 3200 block of Southeast Military Drive.

SAPD said the owners contacted police to report the missing vehicle but decided to confront the suspect before police arrived. One person got out of the car and attempted to contact the suspect on the side of the truck.

Its not apparent what happend just after that, but SAPD says that the thief may have pulled out a firearm before the other man shot and killed him while he was inside the truck.

The car thief, known to be Andre John died from a gunshot wound to the head, a medical examiner told news outlet KSAT. His death was ruled a homicide. It turns out that the shooter isn’t expected to face charges, according to local news outlet in San Antonio. The owner of the stolen truck didn’t wait for police to respond before tracking and killing the suspect.

SAPD spokesperson Nick Soliz says that the man whose car was allegedly stolen told police he “believed the suspected thief pulled out a gun which prompted ‘a firefight.’” Police further said that they believed only the man who confronted the suspected thief fired any shots. Yet, it is unsure whether or not the shooter is found guilty of crime.

“I know that it’s frustrating, but please do not take matters into your own hands,” said Officer Nick Soliz, an SAPD public information officer.