Can I use Apple AirTag to track my dog?

Find out if Apple AirTags can be used to track your K9 companion

The grief associated with losing your dog is traumatic, grave, deep and disturbingly complex. Perhaps, that’s the reason too many people are stringed to using Apple AirTags tracking devices as pet trackers.

Still, many people ask if the $29 coin-sized Bluetooth item tracker would work as a pet tracker. Apple’s response here, however, dampens everyone’s spirits. The tech giant has repeatedly stated that AirTag is not meant for tracking pets or people.

But, pet parents are buying Apple’s £35 AirTags for their dogs. Probably, they fear losing part of the fabric of their lives. For this reason, they can not resist the temptation to use AirTags with dogs or cats if they get lost.

Apples Take On: Can I use an AirTag to track my dog?

Can I use Apple AirTag to track my dog?
Photo by Meritt Thomas on Unsplash

Apple AirTag for dog seems like a great idea and it’s a really affordable apple airtag dog tracker. But, can you really use an AirTag to find your lost dog. Is Apple AirTag for Pets a safe bet? Let’s see what Apple has to say on apple airtags for dogs.

Apple’s VP of Marketing said that AirTag was “… designed to track items not […] pets. If people do that, they just have to make sure that their moving pet gets into range of a device in the Find My network so its location can be tracked.”

In other words, Apple does not approve of using AirTags for tracking pets. Apple has stressed that the AirTag is meant for locating lost items, not people or pets. This means that you can not use the Apple AirTag tracker as an Apple dog tracker.

So, it’s a little saddening to know that the Apple AirTag Bluetooth tracker as a pet tracker is considered off-label use. Even then, you may want to search Tile or AirTag for dogs.

Tile or AirTag for dogs

Can I use Apple AirTag to track my dog?
Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

When you search tile vs AirTag or is tile or AirTag better for dogs?, you will hear a lot of noise from people recommending the Apple AirTag Bluetooth tracker as the best Bluetooth pet tracker. However, you need to know which is better Tile or AirTag technology.

Apple AirTag for dogs is an intuitive, reliable, and easier Bluetooth tracker like Tile. Even though the Apple AirTag dog tracker uses new and more precise ultra-wideband positioning tech, we need to ask “Is AirTag good for dogs or are AirTags worth it for dogs?”.

Is it worth putting an AirTag on a dog? Can I use Apple AirTag on my dog?

Even though Apple says AirTags was designed to track items, not pets, they still work well at keeping an eye on your pet’s whereabouts. Pet owners have been using Apple AirTag for dogs but really can you use AirTag on your dog? Is AirTag good for tracking pets?

There are significantly better pet trackers that even use GPS technology to help you keep better track of your furry friend. The short answer to “is AirTag good for tracking pets” is yes.

Even though Apple doesn’t endorse it, it doesn’t state AirTag tracker for dogs. In fact, the company has said explicitly and publicly that AirTags should not be used to track people or pets.

But, by keeping the emoticon alive, we can use Apple AirTag for dogs under no-avoidable circumstances. There is no harm. Fine for tracking down your dropped wallet, but no good at all for a dog that’s moving about and could be long gone by the time you reach the spot.

Not The Best Choice to use AirTags for Pets?

Photo by Richard Brutyo on Unsplash

Apple Bluetooth tracker is more limited than dedicated GPS pet trackers. In a situation where you lose your dog, the Finy My app won’t notify you immediately if you’re separated from an AirTag. And since it requires other iPhones to work, it might not be the device you want to trust to help you find your lost dog fast. The best GPS pet trackers will do this if your pet leaves a designated area.

AirTag as a pet tracker?

Can I use Apple AirTag to track my dog?
Photo by Ivana La on Unsplash

Sure, you can use Apple AirTag on your dog or cat’s collar. But, the best pet trackers have a GPS tracker that will keep your furry friend safe. The best GPS pet trackers are also reliable, and accurate enough to let pet owner locate their furry pal anywhere, anytime.

GPS pet trackers are solely built for dogs and cats to let pet owners hunt down their lost companions. The Apple AirTag item tracker has a different purpose: it keeps track of lost items like keys, laptops, bags, or bikes.

It’s nice to have over one year of battery life, an Apple AirTag for dogs could help you find your friendly paw if they’ve been missing for a long time. If fortunate enough, you might get a ping if other iPhones picked up your dog or cat’s AirTag Bluetooth signal in an area with plenty of iOS users.

Other the other hand, the best GPS dog and cat trackers allow you to find and locate your pet anywhere in the world using real-time signalling. Therefore, a GPS dog tracker is the best option that is made exclusively for pets. They are lightweight, and small and combine GPS, WiFi and Bluetooth-style tracking technology to keep your buddy safe.

On the other hand, the best GPS dog and cat trackers allow you to find and locate your pet anywhere in the world using real-time signalling. Therefore, a GPS dog tracker is the best option that is made exclusively for pets. They are lightweight, and small and combine GPS, WiFi and Bluetooth-style tracking technology to keep your buddy safe.

Are you AirTagging your pets?

Photo by Krista Mangulsone on Unsplash

Apple AirTags are great item trackers. But, not the best pet tracker. Apple discourages it. however, you may try it to keep your dog safe and in place. It’s just that Apple wants your pet safe and doesn’t want to take the blame on itself. Otherwise, you can track your dog with an Apple AirTag dog tracker.